Numerology is the study of numbers and their influence on our lives. In numerology, your name can be translated into numbers which can reveal aspects of your personality, life path, and destiny. The most common method of calculating your name number is by converting the letters of your name into corresponding numbers and adding them up to find a single-digit or master number. This guide will walk you through the process in simple terms.
- Assigning numbers to letters: Each letter in the alphabet corresponds to a number. The basic chart for English letters is:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I
J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q. R
S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
To calculate the numerology of a name, break down each letter into its corresponding number. For example:
A=1, B=2, C=3, etc.
For instance, let’s take the name “MEHAK’
M=4, E=5, H=8, A=1, K=2
- Adding the numbers: Once you have converted all the letters to numbers you simply add them together. For “MEHAK” the sum would be:
4+5+8+1+2= 20
- Reducing to a single digit: Numerology generally works with single digits (1-9) or master numbers (11, 22, and 33). If your sum is higher than 9, you reduce it by adding the digits together. In this case:
So the name “MEHAK” corresponds to the number 2 in numerology.
- Special case: master numbers
Master numbers are 11, 22, and 33. If your total is one of these you don’t reduce them to a single digit. Master numbers are believed to have special spiritual significance. For example, if the sum of the names adds up to 11, 22, or 33 you leave it as is.
- Understanding the meaning of numbers: each number in numerology has a specific meaning that represents traits or characteristics:
- Number 1: people with number one are often broad-shouldered, and have square heads and strong paws. Such people always have the urge to achieve their goals. They are full of energy and cunning. Instead of getting disheartened, people with number 1 face the challenges boldly. They are nomadic by nature.
- Number 2: People with number 2 often attract others easily; they have a great sense of service. Their face is often round like the Moon and their body is normal. People with number two are often beauty lovers. They are very sensitive these people are often a little tough on the outside and soft-hearted on the inside.
- Number 3: people with the number three are often very enthusiastic and face struggles boldly. They often have the urge to do something new. Their specialty is that they often say less and listen more to others. They are often active in achieving their goals. People with the number 3 often like to live a simple life.
- Number 4: people with the number 4 are often revolutionary thinkers. You will often find cleverness and diplomacy in them. They know the art of making friends. These people influence others with their speech. People with the number 4 take any step very cautiously and make decisions very thoughtfully.
- Number 5: People with number 5 are straightforward and quick decision-makers. They like mental labor more than physical labor. These people mingle with people quickly and make people their followers. There is a vast ocean of energy within these people. They do not get tired easily. Most importantly they move ahead with unlimited goals with limited resources.
- Number 6: People with number 6 are very interested in art, culture, etc. Such people are firm in their intentions. Once they decide something they do it. People with the number six are also punctual. They are fond of traveling, socializing, eating and drinking well, and dressing well.
- Number 7: People with the number 7 are often capable of bringing about a change in society and are imaginative. Such people are very interested in religion and spirituality. They have a quality that they can easily know the other person is thinking. People with the number seven take an interest in something, and only after becoming proficient in it. They are curious to know things.
- Number 8: A person with the number 8 is often found to be tolerant and away from all kinds of deceit. Generally, people with this number keep their thoughts to themselves. This is the reason why their behavior and life are often mysterious. Such people often like to go deep into any matter and find out everything related to it.
- Number 9: people with the number 9 are often the believers of new ideas. Sometimes getting angry and sometimes suddenly becoming happy is their nature. However, they are very strugglers. People with the number 9 are often of a kind. Generally, they never like the interference of others.
Calculating your name number in numerology is simple. Convert each letter of your name to its corresponding number. Add those numbers together. Reduce the result to a single digit or master number. Look up the meaning of your number to gain insights into your personality and life path. You can explore further by calculating numbers for different aspects of your name like your middle name or nickname and see how they align with different areas of your life. If you want to know about numerology as a professional then learn numerology from the best and most experienced numerologist