The Importance of Vastu Shastra for Living Room

The Importance of Vastu Shastra for Living Room

Vastu shastra , an ancient sciences of architecture and buildings , lays down the principles for design, layout, measurements, ground preparation, space arrangement , and spatial geometry. The term vastu is derived from the Sanskrit word vas which means side. Shastra means science or doctrine. Vastu shastra thus translates to the science of dwelling. Roots in the Vedic traditions, vastu shastra, combines art, astronomy, astrology, and the laws of nature to create a harmonious living environment that promotes health, wealth and prosperity.

Historical background of Vastu Shastra:

The earliest references to vastu can be found in the Rigveda, one of the four Vedas, which is a compilation of hymns and texts. The principles of vastu were further elaborated in later texts such as the Mahabharata, Ramayana, and various puranas. The sthapatya, and various puranas. The sthapatya veda, a part of the atharva veda , is considered the foundational text of vastu shastra.

During ancient time’s vastu shastra was used to design and construct cities like Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, showcasing advanced urban planning and architecture. Temples, palaces, and forts built during the reign of various Indian dynasties also adhered to vastu principles. The temples of khajuraho, the brihadeeswara temple in thanjavur, and the sun temple in konark are magnificent examples of vastu shastra’s application.To learn best vastu shastra enrolling in vastu shastra courses from AIFAS.

Core principles of vastu shastra:

Vastu shastra is based on several core principles that align human dwellings with natural forces. These principles are:

  1. The five elements: (Panchabhutas)
  • Earth (bhumi): represents the land or plot on which the building stands. The choice of land and its topography are crucial in vastu.
  • Water (jal): water bodies around the building like rivers, lakes or even a water tank, play a significant role in attracting positive energy.
  • Fire (Agni): represents light, heat, and energy. Proper placement of kitchens, fireplaces and light sources ensures the right flow of energy.
  • Air (Vayu): proper ventilation and air circulation are vital for health and well being.
  • Space (Akasha): represents the expanse and cosmos. The space within the building must be utilized effectively to create balance and harmony.

   2. Directional influences:

  • Each direction in vastu shastra has its own significance and governing deity. For example, the northeast is ruled by ishanya and is considered auspicious for meditation rooms or prayer halls.
  • The placement of rooms, doors, and windows is influenced by the directional principles to harness positive energies and avoid negative influences.

  3. The mandala:

  • A vastu mandala is a square grid that represents a blueprint for designing spaces. The most common mandala used is the vastu purusha mandala, which includes the symbolic representation of the cosmic being (vastu purusha).
  • The grid helps in aligning the building’s layout with the cardinal directions and the cosmic order.

  4. Symmetry and proportions:

  • Vastu emphasizes symmetry and proportion to create aesthetically pleasing and energetically balanced structures.
  • The mathematical precision in vastu designs ensures harmony and order, reflecting the cosmic principles of balance and symmetry.

Benefits of vastu shastra:

Vastu shastra offers numerous benefits that contribute to the overall well-being of individuals and families. These benefits include:

  1. Health and well-being:
  • Proper ventilation, natural light, and air circulation promoted by vastu principles enhance physical health.
  • The balanced placement of rooms and elements reduces stress, anxiety, and promotes mental well-being.

  2. Prosperity and wealth:

  •  Aligning the home with positive energies attracts prosperity and financial stability.
  • Specific vastu guidelines for business establishments ensure success and growth.

  3. Harmonious relationships:

  • Vastu creates a harmonious living environment, fostering better relationships among family members.
  • The proper placement of bedrooms and living spaces enhances martial harmony and family bonding.

  4. Spiritual growth:

  • Vastu promotes the creation of spaces for meditation and spiritual practices, facilitating personal growth and inner peace.
  • Temples and religious structures built according to vastu principles are believed to have higher spiritual energy.

  5. Enhanced productivity:

  • Workspaces designed as per vastu guidelines enhance focus, creativity, and productivity.
  •  A positive and balanced environment boosts motivation and efficiency.

Vastu shastra in modern living:

In today’s world , where urbanization and modern architecture dominate, integrating vastu shastra principles can still offer significant benefits  .To know about vastu in detail do the best online vastu shastra courses from AIFAS. Here are some ways vastu can be incorporated into modern living:

  1. Home design and layout:
  • Architecture and interior designers can blend vastu principles with contemporary designs to create aesthetically pleasing and energetically balanced homes.
  • Ensuring proper orientation, placement of rooms, and utilization of natural elements can enhance the living experience.

  2. Office spaces:

  • Modern office spaces can be designed as per vastu guidelines to improve employee well-being, productivity, and overall success.
  • The placement of workstations, meeting rooms and recreational areas can be optimized to create a positive work environment.

  3. Urban planning:

  • Urban planners can incorporate vastu principles in the planning and development of cities, ensuring sustainable and harmonious growth.
  • The placement of parks, water bodies, and public spaces can be influenced by vastu to enhance the quality of urban living.

  4. Renovation and remodeling:

  • Existing structures can be renovated or remodeled using vastu principles to rectify imbalances and enhance positive energies.
  • Simple changes like repositioning furniture, adding natural elements, and improving ventilation can make a significant difference.

Challenges and criticisms:

While vastu shastra offers numerous benefits it is not without its challenges and criticisms. Some of the common criticisms include:

  1. Scientific validity: critics argue that vastu shastra lacks empirical evidence and scientific validation. The principles are often seen as superstitious or pseudoscience by skeptics.
  2. Practical constraints: modern urban living and space constraints can make it difficult to fully adhere to vastu principles. Financial limitations and existing structural designs may pose challenges in implementing vastu guidelines.
  3. Commercialization: the commercialization of vastu shastra has led to the rise of self-proclaimed experts who may not have authentic knowledge. Misinterpretations and exploitation of vastu principles for financial gain have diluted its essence.


Despite the challenges and criticisms, vastu shastra remains a valuable and relevant science for creating harmonious living spaces. Its holistic approach, which integrates natural elements, cosmic energies, and human well-being, offers timeless wisdom for modern architecture and design. By blending traditional vastu principles with contemporary practices, individuals and communities can experience enhanced health, prosperity, and harmony. As we continue to evolve and urbanize, the ancient wisdom of vastu shastra provides a guiding light for creating balanced and prosperous living environments.

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